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Author: silentscream Subject: Athiest Virgins.

Posts: 1
Registered: 07-20-2010

posted on 07-20-2010 at 21:37 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Athiest Virgins.

New member, gonna jump right in and post a topic.

Story time.

I'm a 24 year old Virgin, I'm an athiest and I run in a Heavy metal scene.

I'd definitely consider myself liberal. but I also believe the truest Morals are defined by logic. I view Sex as a Form of marriage. I wish to only do it with one person ever in my life. and be with her forever.

problem is... in the secular world... this is a RARITY.

and in my State... Mormons wont let you date them.

So I'm really left without a paddle. my friends are too promiscous to date, and Mormons wont be my friends.

are there any other non religious people who take a moral stance against sex until "marriage"?
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Posts: 4
Registered: 10-04-2010
Location: Long Beach CA

posted on 10-05-2010 at 15:44 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Just two blasphemous atheists being more awesome than jesus

I too am an atheist virgin, but I could give fuck one about marriage.

I will live with a woman forever, it doesn't require metal brought to the surface by children or proper government paperwork and outrageous ceremonies that have nothing to do with religion and love and everything to do with control and titles.

I plan on essentially doing it myself. I plan on staying with the woman and frankly if she requires all the hurdles set up by a god that don't exist and being a slave to a world that doesn't give a shit then she just better plain damn be the brightest star I've ever beheld because I HATE all of those things. They do nothing but expect obedience. I just want you, why does it require so much else?

That giant can eater made me this way and he can get a two gun salute from the likes of me. Thanks for the anxiety and a race full of people oblivious to their copious amounts of denial, ignorance, and rationalizations to somehow think that shoving a penis in their asshole means they are still a virgin. That's just this one issue. When you are separated from people for so long you see that everything is bullshit and that we live on planet hutt.

LIBERATION should ALWAYS be the name of the game and her and I will rid ourselves of this world as much as possible. Or, perhaps, she may bring me into it for the first time. I'm going to kick life in the fucking teeth, but perhaps we can still be friends. For once I WILL get to say that.

Amon Amarth forever btw.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By silentscream (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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